We Are Open! Updated on October 6, 2021
Dear Clients and Friends,
In response to the Governor’s latest recommendations, we want you to know BCS is open and fully operational. By following health guidelines, along with our clean open spaces, large rooms, and paperless practice, we are confident that we are providing a safe environment for counseling services through our Lafayette office.
Out of respect for the health and well-being of clients, we have reduced seating and staggered times of counseling sessions to reduce traffic. We also ask that clients not bring any extra people or children into our waiting area. If you have concerns or questions please contact our office secretary or speak to your counselor.
If you want or need to stay home during this time, we offer a secure form of teletherapy and phone sessions. See Telehealth Link below.
Dudley Bienvenu, LCSW – Founder and Director
PS – Click on health guidelines for a detailed description of the measures we are taking as an organization to safely remain open.