Professional Christian Counseling:
In 2020: Our multi-denominational team of six professional counselors served 489 clients (individuals and/or families) in 3,514 counseling sessions (293/month) and granted $59,804 in discounted fees ($4,983/month) to those in need of financial assistance. Ten Multi-Day Intensives were conducted for one family, 5 couples, and 4 individuals. Since 1993: We have helped 12,689 families through 83,578 counseling sessions giving away $1,175,413 in counseling fee discounts.
Enrichment Seminars:
In 2020: In addition to a live seminar series for 75 attendees, two special videos were produced, “Soul Care in a Crisis” and “Why Does a Perfect God Allow Bad Things to Happen,” that were viewed online by over 4,000 people during COVID. Since 1993: (1) Over 500 free public seminars and events have been presented to nearly 54,000 participants, (2) Many “Inner Healing” small groups were facilitated and leaders trained who have spread this ministry across the state, and (3) Over 650 Bible studies and small groups were conducted for an estimated 1,500 people.
Educational Materials:
In 2020: Between March and December we wrote and posted 49 mini blogs through our Facebook page that reached 20,792 people to offer extra encouragement and support. Since 1993: BCS has created and given away numerous free materials and resources that benefit thousands annually.
Sharing the Good News:
In 2020: During BCS counseling sessions and events, several people heard and responded to the Gospel (the “Good News”) by praying to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Since 1993: Through our various services, a total of 2,633 people made such commitments of faith.